The Craft of Storytelling

I’ve been playing around with some old TREC data over the past few days and completely by chance I came across this document.  I find it interesting because storytelling is a good metaphor for what we as researchers do when we construct interactive information seeking systems.  The document is short enough that I think I can reproduce it here in its entirety without getting into intellectual property trouble.  I hope.

DOCNO: LA070590-0123
DOCID: 243123

July 5, 1990, Thursday, Home Edition

Calendar; Part F; Page 1; Column 1; Calendar Desk

57 words


“Networks are run by people whose weakest suit is that they can’t understand the importance of the craft of storytelling, which is what film and television are all about. . . . They can do statistical things, but they can’t quantify storytelling and put it into a computer.”

Writer-producer Roy Huggins, in Television & Families magazine

Wikipedia’s take on Roy Huggins.

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